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时间:2022/09/06 17:01:13 编辑:

据7月7日Trend报道,国际货币基金组织(IMF)阿塞拜疆特派团团长塔米利萨(Natalia Tamirisa)在接受Trend采访时表示,2019-2020年,阿塞拜疆非石油行业的增长率预计将达到2.8%左右。

中国石化新闻网讯 据7月7日Trend报道,国际货币基金组织(IMF)阿塞拜疆特派团团长塔米利萨(Natalia Tamirisa)在接受Trend采访时表示,2019-2020年,阿塞拜疆非石油行业的增长率预计将达到2.8%左右。

Natalia Tamirisa表示:“我们认为,最近工资、养老金和社会援助的增加,以及减轻税收和债务负担的措施,将对未来两年的非石油增长产生积极影响。”她还指出,从中期来看,阿塞拜疆国内生产总值增长的加速,以及经济的多样化,需要深化和扩大结构改革,以提高私营部门的作用,改善管理和透明度。



邹勤 摘译自 trend


IMF: Growth in Azerbaijan’s non-oil sector expected to come at around 2.8%

Growth in Azerbaijan’s non-oil sector is expected to come at around 2.8 percent in 2019-2020, IMF Mission Chief for Azerbaijan Na复合垫片talia Tamirisa said in an interview with Trend.

"In our view, the recent increases in wages, pensions, and social assistance, and measures to reduce tax and debt burdens will have a positive impact on non-oil growth over the next two years," she said.

She also noted that the acceleration of GDP growth in Azerbaijan in the medium term, as well as the diversification of the economy, require deepening and expansion of structural reforms aimed at increasing the role of the private sector and improving governance and transparency.

The IMF office opened in Baku in 1992. Azerbaijan received IMF loans for the support of economic reforms from 1995 to 2005. Azerbaijan fully repaid the IMF loans.

Since 2005, Azerbaijan sees no need for financial resources of the IMF, so since 2006, the cooperation with the fund is implemented within c铜铝焊丝onsultations and technical assistance on key areas of macroeconomic policy.
